Entries by www.Sonoline.ca

Fetal Doppler Monitors: A must-have Pregnancy Device

Fetal Doppler monitors have been in use for over 50 years, but the use of the device has changed within the last two decades. The intended use was originally for healthcare professionals to monitor a baby’s heartbeat during prenatal check-ups, but since the rise in technology Fetal Doppler monitors have become very popular for personal […]

3 Steps to Help Reduce Anxiety During Pregnancy

Overcome Anxiety with Reassurance Overcoming miscarriage can be a lengthy and overwhelming process and on top of that, thinking about pregnancy after a miscarriage can be very stressful and confusing. You may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious and confused about what caused your miscarriage and when to begin trying to conceive again. Before beginning to try to […]

Fetal Doppler’s: More Than a Mother-Baby Bond

5 Reasons Why Expecting Parents Should Have a Fetal Doppler Whether you are a relative, close friend or an expecting parent yourself, pregnancy is a very exciting time for all! Looking for the perfect baby shower gift or a cool baby gadget for yourself have you reading many articles and blogs on all the baby-must-haves. […]

Did you know?

Ever wonder why you have to have that tub of ice cream or a piece of pickle in the middle of the night? Or, if babies of smokers are most likely to smoke as adults? Here are some interesting facts and trivia about pregnancy. Cravings. Ever wonder why you have to have that tub of […]

5 tips to relieve back pain during pregnancy

Back pain is one of the most common complaints women have experienced during pregnancy. As the baby gets bigger and heavier, the pain in the lower back is more felt. Here are 5 ways to help relieve that pain.   Maintain good posture. Stand up straight and tall, relax the shoulders and imagine an invisible […]

Expert advice on 5 tips for choosing a good baby Doppler?

The baby heartbeat monitor or baby Doppler (also known as Fetal Doppler by professionals)  is one of the devices expecting parents are considering purchasing on their lovely journey of growing their family! While some parents are intimidated by the use of any new device, some find listening to the baby’s heartbeat calming and reduces their anxiety. […]

What Is A Fetal Doppler?

If you’re an expecting mom, you probably have seen this device during your last visit from your OB. While lying down, the doctor used this to check your baby’s heartbeat. This device is called a fetal Doppler or Doppler fetal monitor in the medical field. The fetal Doppler was invented by Dr. Edward H. Hon […]

What do you need to prepare for a new baby?

  Baby health care is just about the many concerns that a new mother needs to consider. Your baby is a special blessing but a majority of mothers are not sure of what they have to do. Looking after your newborn’s hide is important. Deciding on the best skincare line for your child may be […]

A nice entry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, […]